‘Real action requires us to recognise the
limits to growth … But we must act now…’
These are
words in the final paragraph of Enough isEnough, a book by Rob Ditez and Dan O’Neill. How do we build a sustainable economy in a
world of finite resources? This is the biggest challenge of our age and time is
short. If this was a game of football we would be two goals down and approaching
half-time. The game isn’t lost but we need to get back in the dressing room and
work out if we play for the win, or accept defeat. The problem is we have one
pitch and one opportunity. If we lose the ‘game’ to save the planet, it would
be many thousands of years before nature recovers ‒ and humans may not be part
of it.
Rob Ditez , Dan
O’Neill are advocating a steady-state economy, the route that Herman Daly has espoused for
over 40 years. In the 1970s we had all to play for and if we had listened we
could have a stable and sustainable economy by now. But we adopted the game
plan of economists wearing blinkers arguing for economic globalisation. It has
been a great play down the middle but we lost a couple of goals through
forgetting about what really matters. Economic globalisation is like fielding a
team with all forwards but no mid-field or defence. In the scramble for the
ball, a lot of mud gets kicked up but we let the environment and economic stability
get around the back and bury our aspirations in the back of our own goal.
If the first
half of the game was about growing and consuming that has left us with terrible
legacy of environmental degradation and an unstable global economy. That is two
goals down. To fight back we need to rein back consumption and live better
lives. It is not more we need but ‘enough’.
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