Monday 28 February 2011

Oil and Freedom

Western policy in the Middle East has been dominated by the politics and economics of oil. With the world economy addicted to the thick black liquid our leaders have supported whichever regime would keep the supplies flowing. This was pragmatic realpolitik of the worst kind. As the people of the Middle East rise up and demand freedom, the West has important choices to make: which side to support? Which faction will keep the oil wells flowing? Who will give new contracts to the international oil companies?

Whilst the oil flows out of the Middle East and cash flows in, leaders can buy a corrupt peace. Staying in power does not need popular support; he who controls the oil income has the weapons and the power. Colonel Gaddafi pays mercenaries from North Africa to be his personal body guard and act as a force loyal to the paymaster to kill Libyan people who oppose him. This is not a man we should support and it is good to hear the UK PM, David Cameron stating clearly that it is time for him to go.

The question I want our leaders to ask is, “what is the future beyond oil?”

The time has come to migrate away from reliance on oil and turn to the future, both of our society and of the oil-rich countries of the Middle East. It is possible that these countries develop new business based on the production of renewable fuels from the desert. They have the oil income to invest in such a future but, whilst we support autocratic tyrants, this income is going into the overseas bank accounts of the few. When the oil era ends, the current leadership will leave and their families live off the income of oil for generations into the future, leaving their countries impoverished.

We should reflect what will be left in the Middle East. The world needs to pull back from blind support for autocratic rulers and take a principled approach to international relations in the region. The revolution now burning through the deserts could set the future for generations to come. We should not fail the people of the Middle East now as they try to find their own way forward. There is more to life than oil.

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